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salt-cp cp模块是minion端的,其它函数功能参考
https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.cp.html#salt.modules.cp.push # File Server Backend #文件服务后端 # # Salt supports a modular fileserver backend system, this system allows # the salt master to link directly to third party systems to gather and # manage the files available to minions. Multiple backends can be # configured and will be searched for the requested file in the order in which # they are defined here. The default setting only enables the standard backend # "roots" which uses the "file_roots" option. #salt支持一个模块化的文件服务后端系统,这个系统允许master直接链接到第三方平台系统收集和管理minions上的文件.请求文件将按定义的多个后端的顺序查询.默认使用file_roots选项只启用了最基本的roots. #fileserver_backend: # - roots # # To use multiple backends list them in the order they are searched: #fileserver_backend: # - git # - roots #按顺序列出要查询的后端列表. # #如果你想让file_server允许追踪软链接文件系统树,取消下面的注释.默认是开启的,当前默认只应用于默认的文件服务后端. # Uncomment the line below if you do not want the file_server to follow # symlinks when walking the filesystem tree. This is set to True # by default. Currently this only applies to the default roots # fileserver_backend. #fileserver_followsymlinks: False # # Uncomment the line below if you do not want symlinks to be # treated as the files they are pointing to. By default this is set to # False. By uncommenting the line below, any detected symlink while listing # files on the Master will not be returned to the Minion. #fileserver_ignoresymlinks: True # # By default, the Salt fileserver recurses fully into all defined environments # to attempt to find files. To limit this behavior so that the fileserver only # traverses directories with SLS files and special Salt directories like _modules, # enable the option below. This might be useful for installations where a file root # has a very large number of files and performance is impacted. Default is False. # fileserver_limit_traversal: False # # The fileserver can fire events off every time the fileserver is updated, # these are disabled by default, but can be easily turned on by setting this # flag to True #fileserver_events: False 如果想使用minion上的文件系统,简单启用两个参数 fileserver_backend: - roots - minion file_recv: True 从下面的执行可以看到,当我们从minion1服务器上传文件到master后,minion1的上传目录/tmp已经可以在其它minions上看到了. 其它minions可以从minion1上共享的目录下载文件.点击(此处)折叠或打开